12 Reasons Why You're Still Not in The Best Shape of Your Life:
- You lack the time
- You don’t know how
- You lack the motivation
- You have no fitness skills
- Fad diets failed you
- Rigid meal plans don’t work
- You can’t make it sustainable
- Your training approaches are rigid
- Your habits are not supportive
- You lack willpower
- Information overload
- You’re unable to stay consistent
6 Points To Focus On So You Can Get Fit For Good:
Understand the Fundamentals
Grasp the fundamental principles of fitness in a way that relates to your own situation and goals, so you actually understand what you’re doing while you’re going through the process.
Acquire Practical Skills
Acquire skills related to training and eating properly in a way which fits your lifestyle so you can use them in a sustainable way.
Build Sustainable Habits
Build keystone habits related to mindset, training and eating which promote long-term fitness adherence in a way that meets your needs.
Train 2-4 Hours per Week
A minimal 2 hours of training per week is necessary to induce significant improvements in your fitness levels, and 4 hours per week is more than enough if you know what you’re doing.
Become a Competent Eater
Learn how to eat in common eating situations, and learn how to buy, prepare, and store your food so it can support your fitness training endeavours.
Make it a Flexible Process
Integrate fitness into your life by applying minimal effective dose of changes that produce maximal fitness outcomes so you can attain high levels of fitness without spending all of your time on it.
Before and After Getting Fit:
More than 20% (men) or 30% (women) body fat.
Little visible muscle.
Chronic low level inflammation.
Low levels of energy related to physical inactivity or exercising in a wrong manner.
Poor physical strength and mental toughness due to no exertion in fitness related activities.
Lower levels of self-esteem due to low levels of physical fitness and stagnant behaviour regarding fitness.
Weakening attention span and decreased focus mainly due to lack of cardiovascular training and nutrient rich foods.
Experiencing sluggishness, and poor emotional regulation.
High levels of uncertainty due to information overload regarding fitness.
No clue about what exercises to use in your fitness endeavours and how.
Not knowing how to structure your fitness training sessions in a simple yet effective manner.
Not knowing how to buy, prepare and store your food, or choose your food on the go.
No habits of eating that support your fitness goals for the long-term in a way that is non-restrictive and sustainable.
No established habits of training that are relatively easy to maintain and customized according to demands of your lifestyle.
Life is passing you by while you’re living in an unhealthy, unfit and weak body.
12 – 15% (men) or 22 – 25% (women) body fat range.
A healthy muscular physique.
A healthy, fit body.
Increased vitality and virility due to training, eating and resting properly.
Enhanced physical strength and mental toughness mainly due to resistance and cardiovascular training.
Higher levels of self-esteem due to being proactive about your fitness endeavours and acquiring high levels of physical fitness.
Increased attention span and focus mainly due to proper cardiovascular training and nutrient rich foods.
Often being in a good mood and in a productive state of mind.
High levels of clarity regarding your fitness vision and current fitness endeavours.
A deep level understanding of why and how to perform exercises in your fitness training sessions.
Know exactly how to plan effective training sessions to achieve your fitness goals in a flexible manner.
Deep level understanding of nutrition related to your own customized needs.
Established habits that are easy to maintain and help you eat both macronutrient supportive, and micronutrient rich foods.
Established habits of training at the gym, at home or outdoors that help you maintain high levels of physical fitness.
You’re enjoying the best years of your life while living in a healthy, strong, good looking body.